Proje Yönetimi İçin Faydalı 170 Araç

1time - Organize & manage projects
37signals* - Basecamp, Backpack, Writeboard, Ta-da List
8apps - Collaboration tools
Acorn - Map your mind
Actionthis - Organize & manage projects
Aggregateknowledge - Recommendation engine
Airset - Manage & share calendars, contacts, groups
Asoboo - Find people & places in your city
Athyrium - Personal organizer
Barcamp - Ongoing interactive event
Basecamp - Manage your projects
Bluetie - Collaborative Office-like toolkit
Businessitonline - Collaboration tools
Buzzword - Work on documents together
Centraldesktop - Collaboration tools
Citizendium - Wiki with gentle expert moderation
Clockingit - Project management for SME
Cogmap - Create, edit & share org charts
Colligo - Collaboration tools
Comapping - Mindmap tool
Conceptshare - Collaborate on design
Copperproject - Manage & collaborate in projects
Coventi - Collaborate on documents
Cozi - Organize your family
Creativeprooffice - Organize & manage projects
Cvent - Organize & manage events
Cynin - Manage, organize, store, search, collaborate, discuss, share & publish any kind of data
Designaddict - Explore & contribute to design directory
Devshop - Software project management software
Dotproject - Open source project management tools
Dreamteam - Organize & manage projects
E2dolist - Create, manage & share to-do lists
E-days - Organize & manage groups
Eloops - Project management solutions
Ficlets - Write short stories together
Firestoker - Enterprise communications & democratization platform
Foldera - Organize email, im’s, docs, tasks, and events instantly
Freepository - Collaborate on coding
Glide - Organize meetings & review projects
Gliffy - Mindmap tool
Glinkr - Map & share views on issues
Globalvoices - Tagged aggregator of regional information from particapatory media
Glypho - Collaborate on writing
Googledocs - Collaborate on documents
Gootodo - Online to-do service
Goplan - Organize your work & publications - Organize
Grouploop - Organize & collaborate in your own group
Groupsharp - Share data, files & wikis
Harvest - Timesheets & reports
Hitask* - Organize & manage groups
Hiveminder - Publish & share tasks
Howsmynanny - Police your nannies together
Huddle - Collaborate on PR, advertising, marketing, design
Idea-a-day - Submit an idea, get comments & a publication
Ifolder - Filesharing for groups
Instacoll - Collaborate on documents
Intervals - Organize & manage projects
Inventiondb - Create & share online project space
Ioutliner - Manage tasks & projects
Iprioritize - Manage your tasks - Organize
Isnooze - Laptop & iTunes mash-up as alarm clock
Issuetrackerproduct - Deal with problems together
Jamjar - Flash collaboration suite for small groups
Jira - Issue tracking
Joyent - Collaboration tools
Kalabo - Collaborate on compositions
Kayuda - Mindmap tool
Keepmytime - Web-based timekeeping
Kevo - Collaborate on VIP’s biographies & gossip
Kitbit* - Publish & share your opinions
Kompoz - Compose & share music together
Letspowwow - Meet & work together on documents
Letsprove - Organize & manage projects
Lifetango - Publish your goals & ask others to support you
Lime - Help & inspire each other
Listpool - Create, manage & share to-do lists
Livemansion - Create & produce a feature film together
Longjump - Collaboration tools (& customizable apps)
Loosestitch - Create & collaborate on task lists
Lyrics~ - Share lyrics & music information
Lyricwiki - Collaborate on lyrics database
Mapul - Map your mind
Mayomi - Mind map & share
Mecanbe - Share your goals and inspirations
Mind42 - Mindmap tool
Mindmeister - Collaborative mind mapping
Mindomo - Mindmap tool
Mindquarry - Collaboration tools
Monkeyon - Remind someone else on to-dos
Mydecide - Take decisions together
Mymuv - Track lifestyle changes & trends
Myquire - Organize & manage groups
Mytimelines - RSS2Timeline
Near-time - Share resources & collaborate
Netsuite** - Manage all your business in one integrated suite
Nexo - Collaboration tools
Novlet - Collaborate on writing
Octopz - Collaborate on & in any file format
Officezilla - Free collaboration solutions
Onlinegroups - Create a site, a group, invite & collaborate
Openteams - Collaboration tools
Orchestrate - Task manager
Parlano - Group dialogue & document sharing
Paystage - Manage your projects
People2pray - Manage & share prayer requests
Phprojekt - Organize group activities & document sharing
Planhq - Collaborate on business plans
Planix - Organize & manage projects
Project360 - Organize your projects on the web or on your pda
Projectpipe - Organize & manage projects
Projectplace - Run & co-ordinate projects
Projectspace* - Organize, manage & collaborate on your projects
Projectspaces - Work together
Projity - Organize & manage projects
Proworkflow - Manage your projects & time
Putplace - Organize & share all your offline & online content
Qlock - Time mash-up
Quickbase - Project management solution
Quickcamp - Organize your projects
Qype - Find & recommend best spots in town
Realitymarkets - Predictive markets contest
Redlettr - Tag & comment the bible
Rel8r - Tag, read, search blogs
Roughunderbelly - Score points on completion of your tasks
Rrove* - Save & share places
Say-so - Share problems & get advise
Selectminds - Facebook & collaboration tools for staff and alumni
Sharemethods - Create, manage & share sales & marketing documents
Simdesk - Messaging & collaboration tools
Slimtimer - Organize your projects
Smartsheet - Organize, share & manage tasks
Snipitron - Create & share group research scrapbooks
Socialight - Share pictures & notes with your cell phone
Solodox - Collaboration tools
Standpoint - Share & evangelize convictions
Stixy - Publish & share documents, photos, to do lists with family & friends
Studicious - Online note taking & sharing
Tangentworks - Organize & manage projects
Taskfreak - Task manager online
Taskspro - Group task manager
Taskthis - Manage, publish & share task lists
Teamspinner - Organize & manage your projects
Teamviewer - Share your desktop with other team members
Teamwork - Organize & manage projects
Teamworklive - Communicate, collaborate & share information
Theopendoc - Collaboration tools
Tick - Time tracking app for teams
Tiktrac - Manage your time
Timebridge - Schedule group meetings
Timeline - Visualize time-based events
Timexchangenet - Organize & manage projects
Todoz - Organize & manage groups
Toggl - Track time & meetings for teams
Tracks - Personal organizer
Trendmill* - Watch & share trends
Trybeta - Connecting developers with software testers
Uhyroo - Collaboration tools
Utensil-ed* - Submit ideas and concepts & brainstorm about them with other users
Veetro - Create & share online project space
Virtual-whiteboard - Work, think, design together
Vyew - Meet, share, discuss & annotate in group sessions
Wallnote~ - Manage notes & to-do’s
Wamily* - Share & collaborate everything with your group
Weboffice - Collaborate on documents
Whodoes - Organize & manage projects
Wikihow - Collaborate on collection of how-to manuals
Workspace - Organize & manage web-based projects
Wrike - Plan & organize projects
Writeboard - Collaborate on writing
Writewith - Collaborate on documents
Zimbra - Collaboration & messaging tools
Zohonotebook - Collaborate on documents
Zohoproject - Organize & manage projects

Telif:Şavaş Şakar

Hiç yorum yok:


9. kalkınma Planı.İş Planı.Kosgeb destekleri 1.Kosgeb destekleri 2.Kosgeb arge destekleri.Kosgeb Tekmerleri.Motivasyon.Hayaller.Tübitak teydeb destekleri.Oslo Klavuzu Işığında Yenilik.Frascati Klavuzu Işığında Ar-Ge.Problem Çözme Teknikleri.Proje Yönetimi.Toplam Kalite Yönetimi.Matriks Organizasyonlar.Fikri Mülkiyet Hakları.Marka nedir?.Marka başvurusu.Marka koruma.Bitki Islahçı Hakları.Patent Bilgisi.Verimlilk.6.çerçeve programı.Kobilerin 6.çerveve programına katılımı.6.çeçeve programında uluslararası işbirliği.
6.çerçeve programı projesi hazırlama .6.çerçeve programı projesi sunma ve değerlendirme.Finansal Analiz.Örnek Finansal Analiz.Finansal Başarısızlık.Sermaye Piyasası Kurumu.İnsan Kaynakları Yönetim Sistemi.AB'ye Özel sektörün intibakı.AB Çevre Müktesebatı.Stratejik Planlama.Bilgi Toplumu Stratejisi.Tarım Stratejileri.Kriz Yönetimi .EU Lobbying.Bilgi ekonomisinin reddettikleri.Teknokentler.Bilgi Ekonomisi.E-Ticaret'e Davet.TİKA Teknik Yardım Projeleri.Fikri Mülkiyet Hakları.Proje Yönetimi.Endüstriyel Tasarım Tescili.Tübitak Proje Destek Süreci.Pazar Araştırması ve Planlaması.Örgüt Yönetimi.Makale Yazma.Bilimsel Araştırma Teknikleri.

Yurtdışı Pazarları
Azerbaycan. Moğolistan. Türkmenistan. Kırgızistan. Kazakistan. Özbekistan. Ukrayna. Moldava. Romanya. Gürcistan. Makedonya. Bosna-Hersek.

Vizyon 2023 Teknolojik Öngörüleri
Strateji Belgesi. Üretim. Tasarım. Savunma Havacılık Uzay. Nano. Mekatronik. Malzeme. Enerji ve Çevre. Biyoloji ve Genetik. Bilişim.

Genel Bilgiler

Dinler Tarihi.Atatürkçülük.
TOPLUM Dunya ekonomi tarihi.GIDA ÇEVRE SAĞLIK TARIM Bitki Islahı.MALZEME TEKNOLOJİ Nano Teknoloji.Bilgisayar Ağ Temelleri.ENERJİ TAŞIMACILIK UZAY Yıldızların İç Yapısı ve Evrimi.
ROL MÜZİK EDEBİYAT YEMEK Denizlerimizdeki Balıklar.